Signs Your Furnace Needs Repair: Don't Ignore These Warning Signals


As the winter season approaches, a fully functioning heating system becomes essential for a comfortable and safe living space. Your furnace plays a major role in providing warmth and comfort throughout the cold months. However, like all appliances, furnaces are not perfect and may need repairs to function well. Ignoring signs indicating that your furnace needs repair can lead to costly damage and even safety hazards. This blog post will go through common warning signals indicating that your furnace might need repair.

Strange Noises

Have you noticed any unusual noise from your furnace? Strange grinding or banging noise that was not there before could be an indication of a loose or damaged part. Sounds like screeching or rattling may indicate a belt problem, which could cause the furnace to shut down entirely if not dealt with. These noises point to the need for furnace repair.

Higher Energy Bills

If you notice a spike in your heating bills, your furnace might be the root cause. A furnace in need of repair may work harder and run longer to generate the same amount of heat, leading to an increase in energy consumption. If you observe a sudden rise in your heating bills, schedule an inspection of your furnace unit.

Poor Heating Performance

Is your furnace taking too long to warm up your home? Are some rooms colder or hotter than others? Inconsistent temperature output could be an indication of a malfunctioning thermostat or a limitation in the furnace's heating capacity. This can lead to undue stress on the furnace, which may cause more issues down the line.

Unusual Smells

Foul odors emanating from your furnace may be an indication of a gas leak, which can cause a severe fire hazard. If you smell gas in your home, this is not something to ignore as it can cause serious harm or even death. Schedule a furnace inspection immediately if you suspect gas leakage.

Yellow Burner Flame

The burner flame should be blue in color. If the flame is yellow, it could indicate that your furnace is producing carbon monoxide, which is toxic and poses a severe risk to health and safety. You should immediately turn off the furnace and make sure the area is well-ventilated and then schedule a professional furnace maintenance visit.

It is important to keep your furnace in good working condition for a comfortable and safe living environment and to avoid costly repairs and replacements in the future. 

Contact a professional for more information about furnace repair


30 October 2023

Filter Out Your Allergies

As a sufferer of severe allergies, I have to be on the alert for allergens in the air everywhere that I go. Just going indoors isn't enough— an office with a rattly old air conditioner can be as difficult to breath in as a field of pollen-filled flowers. But I try to make sure that my own home, at least, is a safe haven. That's why I use high quality HEPA filters for my air conditioner. My HVAC professional explained to me that the HEPA filters are the best way to ensure that no allergens make it into the air that I breathe at home. When I began using them, it made a big difference to my ability to breathe in my home, and I haven't looked back since. If you're an allergy sufferer, HEPA filters might be able to make the difference for you as well.