The Best Insulation Types for Homes with Flat Roofs


As a homeowner, you want to ensure that your home stays comfortable throughout the year and your energy costs are within reason. One of the best ways to achieve this is to insulate your home properly, especially if you have a flat roof. Today's blog will take a look at the best insulation types for homes with flat roofs to help you make an informed decision.

Spray Foam Insulation

Are you looking for a seamless installation option? Look no further than spray foam insulation. This type of insulation creates a barrier that seals your home, keeping the outside elements out and the inside temperature comfortable. While it is more expensive than other insulation types, it is incredibly effective, which means it will save you money on your energy bills in the long run.

Fiberglass Insulation

This is a popular insulation type that has been used for years. Fiberglass insulation is made up of tiny fibers of glass that trap air, providing an effective insulation barrier. It is affordable and easy to install, making it a top choice for many homeowners. However, it is essential to note that fiberglass insulation is not effective against moisture, which makes it susceptible to mold growth.

Cellulose Insulation

This insulation type is made with recycled materials, and it is an affordable option for homeowners. Cellulose insulation provides excellent insulation, especially against sound and heat. Additionally, it is environmentally friendly and has great fire retardant capabilities.

Rigid Foam Insulation

If you are looking for an insulation type that provides excellent durability and is incredibly efficient, rigid foam insulation should be your go-to option. The insulation is made of polyisocyanurate and polystyrene foam panels that are fastened to your roof to provide thermal insulation. Additionally, it is effortless to install and provides excellent water resistance properties.

Reflective Insulation

This insulation type is made of a reflective foil material that is installed under the rafters of the roof. This allows the sun's heat to be reflected away from your home, which provides excellent thermal insulation. Reflective insulation is easy to install and affordable, making it a top option for homeowners on a budget.

Insulating your home is essential, especially if you have a flat roof. When considering the best insulation types for your home, consider your budget, the level of insulation required, and the materials that best suit your home. Ultimately, the goal of insulation is to provide comfort and increase energy efficiency, and all the insulation types mentioned above will do just that. With a bit of research, you can find the best insulation type for your home with a flat roof.

For more info about insulation installation, contact a local company. 


8 January 2024

Filter Out Your Allergies

As a sufferer of severe allergies, I have to be on the alert for allergens in the air everywhere that I go. Just going indoors isn't enough— an office with a rattly old air conditioner can be as difficult to breath in as a field of pollen-filled flowers. But I try to make sure that my own home, at least, is a safe haven. That's why I use high quality HEPA filters for my air conditioner. My HVAC professional explained to me that the HEPA filters are the best way to ensure that no allergens make it into the air that I breathe at home. When I began using them, it made a big difference to my ability to breathe in my home, and I haven't looked back since. If you're an allergy sufferer, HEPA filters might be able to make the difference for you as well.